
How a coal power station works?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Clinker Formation in Boiler of Thermal Power Station is due to high Ash Content which have low fusion temperature below 1500 degree centrigrade

Clinker Formation in Boiler of Thermal Power Station is due to high Ash Content which have low fusion temperature below 1500 degree Centigrade and Minerals present in it. Due to poor Quality of Coal ash got fused and mineral content stick into Water Wall which is very difficult to remove often requires removal by pneumatic machines. This Clinker deposition may be stopped to some extent if sufficient water is sprayed into hopper and regular poking to remove deposition and using good quality of coal. Fusion temperature must be above 1500 degree Centigrade and soot blowing regularly at load by injecting steam by wall blowers. Over firing is also responsible hence firing must be properly adjusted by proper balance of primary and secondary air in boiler.

Accumulation of clinker may be checked if poking of hoppers done regularly and any negligence may start process of clinker deposition. If clinker is not removed immediately then same may choke hopper and often workers got burnt due to sudden fall of hot water which accumulated in hopper.

Once clinker formed into hopper than outage of unit is evident otherwise clinker may deposit in huge quantity which will be very difficult to remove because minerals content present in coal fused with ash deposit into water wall. Such hard Lumps of Clinkers requires pneumatic hammering which takes very much time resulting in forced closure of unit for weeks.

Although cause of clinker formation is poor coal quality and high mineral content in coal but accumulation in Water Wall is result of negligence by Workers and Engineers who do not poke hopper regularly and spray insufficient amount of water into hopper which may not flush fused slag to channels. Outage of clinker grinder and soot blower is also matter of concern may be termed as negligence.

Hence it is advised never blame to low coal quality, low GCV, low ash fusion temperature and high mineral content in coal. Instead of blaming to above factors try regular poking and provide sufficient water in hopper. Clinker Grinders must be made operational. Soot blowing must be done regularly by injecting steam. In India coal supplied to power plants is mostly of low quality which has high ash content so precaution is best solution here to avoid deposition and formation of clinkers in Boiler.

Precaution may stop clinker deposition and formation so remain vigilant.

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